Patatrak Boum (1994)


A 10-week programme involving 50 students from the two primary schools of Roche Bois (Emmanuel Anquetil and Nicolay).

The activities:

  • Spelling Bee Contest,
  • quiz,
  • dance,
  • visits to hotels and factories, etc.

The objectives:

Stimulate the children's ability to express themselves while enhancing their general knowledge. For this project, the MPRB received support from the Jeune Chambre Economique (JCE) of Port Louis.

Accomplished Projects

Other Projects

Together let’s build your future (2001 to 2003)

Together let's build your future (2001 to 2003)

« Projet d’Accompagnement Social & Scolaire » – PASS 2001 (1999-2001)

A mentoring project involving 176 children in the 4th year of primary school from the two schools.

Patatrak Boum (1994)

A 10-week programme involving 50 students from the two primary schools of Roche Bois.

Teen Hope Roche-Bois (1996-1998)

A three-year programme, including 30 young people aged 13+ who have failed their CPE exams twice.

The School of Parents (2001 à 2016)

This project originated from the PASS 2001, was mainly sponsored by the Mauritius Commercial Bank.