Objective: Autonomy and Valuation of Young People
MPRB – Mouvement pour le Progrès de Roche Bois OBJECTIF : AUTONOMIE ET VALORISATION DES JEUNES Click here to view article
Aiming to eradicate the stigma and discrimination faced by the youth of Roche-Bois, MPRB has developed a socioeconomic project to address issues such as: access to information, to train and develop the skills of unemployed youth, and to encourage youth engagement in their communities.
The youth of Roche-Bois are talented and are eager to break out of poverty, but the lack of training and financial resources makes their quest for a better future more challenging. MPRB proposes to mentor these youth through a structured project that will enable them to acquire skills and knowledge about leadership, art, Creole language, ecology, human rights and civil rights.
A 10-week programme involving 50 students from the two primary schools of Roche Bois.
A three-year programme, including 30 young people aged 13+ who have failed their CPE exams twice.
A mentoring project involving 176 children in the 4th year of primary school from the two schools.
Together let's build your future (2001 to 2003)
This project originated from the PASS 2001, was mainly sponsored by the Mauritius Commercial Bank.
Video example of the Zenes Lalimier project https://mprb.muwp-content/uploads/2021/11/Media1.mp4
MPRB – Mouvement pour le Progrès de Roche Bois OBJECTIF : AUTONOMIE ET VALORISATION DES JEUNES Click here to view article